One of our commonly requested add-on services is cupping, but it is also the one we get asked the most questions about. Cupping is a practice with a century-long history that stems from ancient Chinese medicine. It aims to promote blood-flow and increase the healing process that naturally occurs in our bodies. Be warned though, the likelihood that you will end up with some bruising is quite high, but the benefits definitely outweigh the physicalities.
In ancient Chinese medicine, it was believed that the practice of cupping promoted the flow of “Qi” – or life force. Taoists suggest that cupping promotes that balance of yin and yang within the body; ultimately helping to increase blood flow and reduce pain and inflammation.
How it works
There are a few different types of cupping practiced today. Traditional practitioners will use a method known as “wet cupping” in which they use the suction of the cupping method and controlled bleeding with pin pricks in the desired area (to promote increased results). Another option is “dry cupping” which is more common is western society, and utilizes solely the cupping method.
Cupping itself involves heating the cup (historically an animal horn– but like everything else, cupping too has evolved) and applying it to the skin. As the cup cools, it suctions, which promotes blood flow to the area– thus the healing process begins.
Modern practices will opt for the use of glass cups with rounded balls that are open on the alternate end, with a manual suction. This avoids the use of heat and allows for the practitioner to control the amount of suction being used in the treatment.
The Benefits
If you are trying out cupping for the first time, it is likely you are experiencing some sort of pain, inflammation or tension. Cupping is typically placed using acupuncture pressure points, so many of the benefits you will experience from cupping, are similar to those of acupuncture. Some of the benefits cupping has are:
Digestive issues
Acute and chronic pain
Lumbar disc herniation
Bruising and Side Effects
If you have ever seen someone a day or two after they have had cupping done, you will know the bruising is no joke. However, depending on how much cupping you get done, and how much inflammation you have in your body, this will affect the amount of bruising you experience. Other less common side effects are nausea and sweating. There is a chance you will feel lightheaded or dizzy post treatment. If this is the case, please let your therapist know immediately.
If you have any questions regarding cupping please do not hesitate to contact us using the forum on our website or at Prior to booking your first appointment, we recommend that you refer to the ‘1st Appointment’ section of our website for relevant information, as well as our ‘informative FAQ video’ for a seamless setup on the day of your treatment. And of course, make sure you are staying updated with our social media for new locations, new therapists, wellness tips and more!